முட்டாள் குதிரை தமிழ் கதை | The Foolish Horse Tamil Story | 3D Kids Moral Stories

 The Foolish Horse

Hello JoJo TV Tamil Stories viewers, we are back with an amazing stories. Here we are sharing one more popular video to learn great moral values. In this we can share more stories like funny stories, village comedy stories and moral stories, panchatantra stories and many kids stories to watch.

There was a horse in a forest that was so foolish. The horse is very happy about eating the grass in the forest. One day an elephant came and trampled the grass there. The elephant loved the place so much that the elephant decided to stay there. The horse was very upset to see it and wanted to chase the elephant away anyway. The horse went and asked the lion for help, But the lion somehow threatened to eat the horse if it appeared again. Fearing the lion, the horse ran away.

On the way, it saw the hunter and asked him for help. The hunter mounts himself on a horse and asks if he can agree and cooperate.  He rides on the horse and killed the elephant by using an arrow that has poison. Horse thanked the hunter and asked to get down. But the hunter said he won't let the horse go and the horse has to serve him from then on. Horse realized it's a mistake and felt sad.

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Hello Welcome To Our Channel !!! JoJo TV - Tamil Stories. Here We Have Great Moral Stories Like Panchatantra Tales, Favorite BedTime Stories Short Stories Horror Stories, Village Comedy Videos, Comedy Stories, Funny Videos in Tamil.

All of Our Stories Contains a lesson for all ages. All the characters in the videos are just fictions, they are not true, these videos are all for fun & entertainment.

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