மந்திர எருமை மற்றும் விவசாயி - MAGICAL BUFFALO and FARMER Tamil Story | JOJO TV Moral Short Stories


Hello JoJo TV Tamil Stories viewers, we are back with an amazing stories. Here we are sharing one more popular video to learn great moral values. In this we can share more stories like funny stories, village comedy stories and moral stories, panchatantra stories and many kids stories to watch.

In a village, there was a farmer named Pawan who earned his living by selling vegetables. Pawan did not make much profit selling vegetables. One day while Pawan was packing his vegetables in a cart, a buffalo came and ate the spinach in his vegetable cart. Pawan left the buffalo by thinking it was hungry. Pawan will get a lot of income that day.

Another time the buffalo comes and then their wife chases it away and Pawan gets loss that day. After three months, crops are harvested and he was loading the cart. He saw the Buffalo and spinach to it again and he got profit again. But his wife chased that Buffalo by hitting it. Pawan returned from the market and told his wife that he earned well every time he feeds the Buffalo. By listening that his wife exclaimed that she chased away the Buffalo without knowing that.

Moral: If you do good to others, good will happen to you too

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Hello Welcome To Our Channel !!! JoJo TV - Tamil Stories. Here We Have Great Moral Stories Like Panchatantra Tales, Favorite BedTime Stories Short Stories Horror Stories, Village Comedy Videos, Comedy Stories, Funny Videos in Tamil.

All of Our Stories Contains a lesson for all ages. All the characters in the videos are just fictions, they are not true, these videos are all for fun & entertainment.

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