கர்ப்பிணி யானை - PREGNANT ELEPHANT PAIN Tamil Story 3D Cartoon Moral Stories

 Pregnant Elephant

Hello JoJo TV Tamil Stories viewers, we are back with an amazing stories. Here we are sharing one more popular video to learn great moral values. In this we can share more stories like funny stories, village comedy stories and moral stories, panchatantra stories and many kids stories to watch.

In one village there was a couple named Kishore and Sarada. Kishore was in the business of selling honey. Kishore used to go to the forest every day to fetch and sell honey. He is very happy that Kishore's wife is pregnant. As always one day while going to the forest to receive honey he heard an elephant barking. An elephant was struck and fell in a ditch when he went to see where the screams were coming from.

The elephant asks him to help and also says it is pregnant. Kishore uses his power to pull the elephant out and bandages the injured elephant's legs and gives bananas that he brought for him. The next day he came and saw that the elephant was still lying in pain. The elephant asks for help to save the baby in her womb if she dies.

Kishore brings a big rikshaw and takes the elephant to his house. Kishore's wife also takes care of the pregnant elephant as she is pregnant. One day the elephant dies giving thanks to Kishore as soon as she gives birth to her baby. The Kishore couple has been taking care of the elephant ever since.

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Hello Welcome To Our Channel !!! JoJo TV - Tamil Stories. Here We Have Great Moral Stories Like Panchatantra Tales, Favorite BedTime Stories Short Stories Horror Stories, Village Comedy Videos, Comedy Stories, Funny Videos in Tamil.

All of Our Stories Contains a lesson for all ages. All the characters in the videos are just fictions, they are not true, these videos are all for fun & entertainment.

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