பாம்பு கவர்ச்சியான கனவு தமிழ் கதை - Snake Charmers Dream Tamil Story

 Snake Charmer's Dream

Hello JoJo TV Tamil Stories viewers, we are back with an amazing stories. Here we are sharing one more popular video to learn great moral values. In this we can share more stories like funny stories, village comedy stories and moral stories, panchatantra stories and many kids stories to watch.

One day, a snake charmer went to the forest to catch some snakes. Once he reached the deeps of the forest, he started blowing his pipe. He found two snakes finally. He was very happy that he caught two snakes. He started dreaming about how would he earn money with those snakes. He forgot to observe the path while dreaming. He fell by hitting the stone. The snakes that he kept inside the boxes were also fallen. Snakes hurriedly left away. Snake charmer started crying that he lost the snakes by daydreaming. Because of his daydreams, he lost his consciousness over the reality.

All of Our Stories Contains a lesson for all ages. All the characters in the videos are just fictions, they are not true, these videos are all for fun & entertainment.

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